Ambassador Spotlight - Tom Seager

We asked our youngest brand Ambassador, Tom Seager, a series of questions to gain insight into his life as a Professional Kiteboarder. Read on to find out what he says….

Name: Tom Seager

Age: 17

Profession: Kiteboarder

Snugs: SnugsAqua & SnugsPro for AirPods

Career highlights:

  • Top 8 Junior World Championship
  • British Junior Champion 2014
  • 1st place Junior Jam U21 freestyle 2019
  • 1st place Men’s Open Hood Jam 2019, semi-finalist pro Hood Jam 2019

What inspired you to get into Kiteboarding?

Both my parents used to windsurf and were instructors and then my Dad got into kiting, almost at the beginning when it was starting out, and then my mum learnt afterwards and I grew up always being by the sea and on the beach seeing kitesurfing every day…so it was something I was inspired to do from a young age.

Tom in 2016 when he became a Snugs Ambassador

What is a typical day for you?

So normally I would wake up around 8 or 9 and have breakfast, I like to start the day pretty chilled out and watch some of the latest kite, wake, or skate videos and then in the afternoon I’ll do a workout and some training before a kite session. I normally like to film a session with friends and take it in turns on the camera. And then after that head home and have dinner and chill out and watch some Netflix or go out for the evening. But right now as everyone knows things are a bit different haha.

What equipment do you recommend to others who would like to be a Kiteboarder?

Definitely start by going and getting lessons from a school it’s worth the investment, and then find an instructor that you trust and ask for their opinion on gear and listen to other people you trust that kite, and once you’re cruising around definitely go get yourself a pair of Snugs Aqua to hype those sessions up!

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

I think the best advice I’ve been given is that I’ve ever been given is that your direction is more important than your speed, which I find super important and a lot of people could try to focus more on this.

But another quote I like to go by is “learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist” which is actually a quote from Picasso, I just think its super important to be yourself and stay real and unique like you truly are.

What would you describe as your greatest achievement?

Getting into the Hood Jam last year by winning the open Mens was something I was super excited about and then making it into the semi-final was something I was really happy with since I’ve always wanted to be a part of that event.

Tom at Hood Jam

If you weren’t a Kiteboarder, what would be your ideal job?

Pro skateboarder, I just think the sport is so real and raw and there’s lots of sick people in the industry!

What do you like to do in your spare time/outside your profession?

I love to skate, wakeboard, surf, snowboard and just hang out with friends and make the most of life. I love exploring new places and photography/ videography.

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

With everything going on right now my goals have turned more into personal goals rather than competition goals, I really want to build my confidence and riding back after my knee injury in January and then my main goal is to make some really authentic and real videos from some trips with friends, that people will really enjoy to watch and enjoy something different and personal made out of passion rather.

What is the funniest memory/faux pas you have had?

Haha ok so last year I was lucky enough to be in the Philippines and me and two of my friends were out sailing around on a little wooden Philippine style fishing boat since the wind was too light to Kite, and we didn’t really understand the local tides at that point and pretty much got stuck out by the reef about two kilometres out and we had to walk the boat back in ankle deep water with stinging jellyfish, so we tied our boardshorts around our feet and walked in our boxers, and when we got close there was a group of our friends just laughing and taking photos. Good times!

Tom exploring the Philippines by fishing boat

Go to song choice/inspirational song

Umm that’s a tough one lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Stormzy and Nipsey Hussle but a song that always gets me feeling good is Signs by Snoop Dogg it’s just got so many good memories along with it and good sessions grooving to this song with the crew.

Favourite country/best memory doing Kiteboarding?

I love Brazil, the lifestyle is just so good everyone is super friendly and I’ve had so many good sessions there, last year the last session I had there was a really good memory just the whole crew sending new tricks back to back and then it ended with all of us just messing around and laughing around. Good days!

What film or series have you watched recently that you would recommend?

I just finished Power on Netflix which was pretty good but also pretty violent so don’t watch with young people!

Favourite Takeaway?

Definitely pizza haha

If you were stuck on a Desert Island, what 3 items would you like to have with you?

Well gotta have the tunes so my Snugs Aqua, my kite and board so I can shred all day to good music!

Tom on the water with his SnugsAqua

If you are looking to add a pair of Snugs Aqua to your kit, you can purchase them here. We now make custom fit tips for a number of waterproof earphones, check out the options on the Snugs Aqua page. Alternatively if you are looking for protection from the water only i.e. to prevent infections or surfers ear, then we can make a solid swim plug; order our Swim ‘n’ Surf Protection here

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