Our senses are uniquely individual, influencing everything from how we perceive colours, to the way we detect the scent of a herb in a dish, to our ability to hear different sound frequencies. These sensory experiences are deeply intertwined with our emotions; for example, a particular sound might bring joy to one person while evoking a negative response in another. Our sensory perceptions and emotional reactions are personal and deeply connected, shaping the way we experience the world around us.
Misophonia is a disorder characterized by an intense aversion to specific sounds, often triggering strong emotional and physical reactions. While not yet officially recognized as a distinct disorder, experts acknowledge its impact on those affected. Let's explore what Misophonia is and how using custom fit silicone earplugs can help manage it.
What is Misophonia?
Misophonia is a condition where certain "trigger" sounds cause disproportionately strong emotional or physical responses in affected individuals. These reactions are typically much more intense than those experienced by people without the condition. Current research suggests it affects approximately 1 in 5 people in their lifetime.
Key features of Misophonia include:
- Intense emotional reactions (e.g., anger, anxiety, disgust) to specific sounds
- Physical responses such as increased heart rate, sweating, or chest tightness
- Behavioral reactions ranging from avoidance to verbal or physical outbursts

Common trigger sounds often include:
- Eating and drinking noises (e.g., chewing, slurping)
- Breathing sounds (e.g., snoring, heavy breathing)
- Repetitive noises (e.g., tapping, clicking pens)
- Mouth and throat sounds (e.g., throat clearing, coughing)
If you suffer from Misophonia, the effects of certain noises can be profound. Socializing in noisy places like pubs and restaurants can expose you to sounds that trigger discomfort. As a result, you might choose to avoid these environments, which can lead to isolation and decreased social interaction, ultimately taking a toll on your mental health.

There are several strategies you can undertake to help manage Misophonia, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sound Therapy and lifestyle adjustments. One tool we are focusing on is the use of custom fit earplugs to help control your exposure to triggering noise.
Manage Misophonia with Silicone Earplugs
Shield Calm are our soft silicone earplugs designed to help manage Misophonia:
- Sound reduction: They effectively minimize overall noise levels, reducing exposure to trigger sounds. There are a range of filters to choose from designed to help with different trigger noises:
- Shock Filter – for those who struggle with sudden loud noise. They have an in-built mechanism which reacts to a sudden change in noise frequency to prevent the loud noise reaching your ear drums (up to 30 decibels (dB) reduction). This filter provides 19dB in noise reduction when 'un-triggered' so everything is a little quieter.
- Social Filter – this filter provides flat attenuation to ensure sound is not muffled or distorted in any way. These are perfect for those who would like to socialise in busy pubs etc, reducing background noise but still allowing clear conversation with your friends. They provide 20dB reduction across the frequency range
- Solid Block Filter – for those who would like to block as much as possible. If you want to be in your own bubble and reduce as much sound as possible, then this filter is the best choice. They reduce noise by up to 30dB.
- Comfort and customization: Shield Calm are made from your physical ear impressions which go up to the second bend in your ear canal. This means a perfect fit for your ears, making them super comfortable – even if you have very small ears and struggle to get any other earplugs to fit!
- Re-usability: Unlike disposable foam earplugs, Snugs earplugs are easy to clean and wear time and time again. Choose one-pair with multiple use over single-time use earplugs – our landfills will appreciate it.
- Discretion: Designed to slot into your ear canals, they can be worn discreetly. Contrastingly, if you are looking to make a bold statement, choose from a number of funky colour ways!

While not a cure, Shield Calm earplugs can be a valuable part of a comprehensive Misophonia management strategy, helping individuals navigate challenging environments more comfortably.
In a noisy world, find your calm.