What are the benefits of Snugs versus foam earplugs?
Snugs feature a unique venturi shaped attenuated filter embedded into the plug. This enables the wearer to clearly hear conversations while reducing harmful sounds. The filter allows air to constantly flow into the ear; this ventilation minimises the sound occlusion effect and avoids irritation within the ear canal. Foam plugs on the other hand do not ventilate the ear canal and conversational sounds are acoustically muffled and un-clear.
Foam earplugs can be a breeding ground for bacteria, thanks to the combination of moisture, warmth and dirt in the ear. Re-using dirty earplugs can lead to serious ear infections, meaning that it’s good practice to throw them away after a single use. Employees should always be reminded that they are single use only, even though this is written on the packaging for liability reasons.
Some people will wash their earplugs in soapy water, however this is no guarantee of removing the bacteria and can also lead to degradation of the material. If the plugs harden, or do not return to their original shape when squeezed, then they will no longer be effective at blocking out sounds and will need to be thrown away anyway.
So, the financial cost of foam plugs can soon add up, when used correctly as single-use consumables (akin to a syringe), and that’s before considering the environmental costs of using disposable plugs.
Regular users can have all the advantages of Snugs Custom Fit Earplugs, which can pay for themselves in a matter of months and present a clear environmentally friendly option.
Snugs are made from medical-grade silicone, are hypoallergenic, non-flammable and are recyclable. Of great importance is the fact the Snugs Earplugs are re-usable for years and years. Snugs can be wiped down between uses to keep them in tip-top condition.