
Sale price£149.95

Premium earplugs for concert goers and music professionals who want to protect their hearing while still enjoying the music.


Premium Concert Earplugs

Hear the music, without harming your hearing. Whether you are a musician, work at noisy events, or a regular concert or festival goer SnugsShield Concert will protect your ears from noise damage.

Choose from three attenuated filters ranging from 15dB to 25dB noise reduction, designed to provide maximum protection without compromising on sound.

Made to fit in your ears with the perfect seal, you can wear them comfortably all day safe in the knowledge they won’t fall out, allowing you to dance till your hearts content!


Wall of love

E Joseph

Saved my ears

I use these religiously for work (event photography and filming). I'm still able to enjoy the music without it muffling the sound & I am saved from ringing ears the next day.

Derek S

Very Comfortable

I need to protect my hearing from loud music (I play in a rock n roll band). The process was simple and the snugs arrived. Very comfortable and reduce the dBs nicely. The lanyard and bright colour means I will not lose them.

Ray Hill

Music Concert & Event Photographer

My Snugs are the most important part of my photography bag and music reviewing. After years of use I am still impressed with the quality and performance of Snugs ear protection that is so comfortable for wearing hours on end at gigs and festivals. Serious about Live Music? You cannot afford to be without Snugs in your life

Custom Fitting

How it works

Step 1

Physical ear impressions

You'll need to visit an audiologist to get a physical impression of each ear. It's a quick and painless procedure where the audiologist will inject a foam solution inside the ear. After a few minutes this hardens to create an exact mould of your inner ear.

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Step 2

Creating a 3D Model

Once we receive your ear impressions, we scan these to create your 3D ear files. These can then be used to make any and multiple products from the custom fit range, so you only need to have this part of the process done once.

Step 3

Making your Snugs

We take your 3D ear files and design them for your product of choice. These are then 3D printed and finished in the colours you selected so they’re perfectly unique to you.