
Premium Music Protection

Whether you are a musician, work at noisy events, or a regular festival goer, you’ll need a pair of SnugsShield (Music) to protect your ears from noise damage. With a choice of flat attenuated filters, they’re designed to provide maximum protection without compromising on sound.

Designed to fit in your ears with the perfect seal, you can wear them comfortably all day safe in the knowledge they won’t fall out, allowing you to dance to the your hearts content!

Eco-friendly choice

Easy to clean, you can use your Snugs time and time again, making them the environmental choice over disposable earplugs

Perfect seal

Custom made to your ears, they're the most effective choice to prevent damaging noise getting in

Super comfortable

Made from a soft silicone and moulded to your ear shape, you can wear them for hours with no fatigue

Professional Custom Fit

SnugsShield tips are custom-fitted using your physical ear impressions of each ear. To get this done, you need to visit an audiologist. It’s a quick, painless procedure where they inject a foam solution into your ear to make an exact mold. This ensures your Snugs fit perfectly. And you only need to do it once.

Please note: The audiologist will charge you separately for the impressions – this is not included in the price of your Snugs.


How to get custom fitted in your country

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